
1.真愛每一天 ABOUT TIME
經典名言: 「我對你的愛會持續多久?只要你頭頂的星星依然閃爍。」
“How long will I love you? As long as stars are above you.”

經典名言: 「你一開口就征服了我。」
“You had me at hello!”

當哈利遇上莎莉When Harry Met Sally
“I came here tonight because when you realize that you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody,
you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible.”
新娘百分百Notting Hill
經典名言: 「我只是站在一個男孩面前,請求他愛她的平凡女孩。」
“I’m just a girl standing in front of a boy, asking him to love her.”

手札情緣The Notebook
經典名言: 「我想我們的愛可以讓我們變得無所不能。」
 “I think our love can do anything we want it to.”

末日情緣Perfect Sense
經典名言: 「世界一片黑暗,但他們感受到對方的呼吸,就已了然一切。」
“The world is dark, but they feel the breath of each other, and they know everything. ”

經典名言:  「你是我的天使,從天而降。」
“My angel, flung out of space. ”

派特的幸福劇本Silver Linings Playbook
經典名言: 「真正的愛情是讓她走開,並看看她是否歸來。」
“True love is about letting her go and seeing if she returns. ”
愛是您˙愛是我Love Actually
經典名言: 「我最愉快的時刻,就是送妳回家。」
“My happiest moment is to take you home. ”
王牌冤家Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
經典名言: 「你可以將一個人從你記憶中抹去,但要打從心底忘了對方又是另外一回事了。」
“You can erase someone from your mind. Getting them out of your heart is another story. ”